Just over 1,500 probationers in the four sites were randomly assigned to probation as usual (PAU) or to HOPE. The four sites offered heterogeneity in organizational relationships and populations as well as implementation that was rated very good to excellentthus, providing a robust test of the HOPE supervision model. Recidivism results suggest that HOPE/SCF supervision was not associated with significant reductions in arrests over PAU, with the exception of a reduction in drug-related arrests in one site. There were significantalbeit conflictingdifferences in time to revocation, with survival models suggesting shorter times to revocation in two sites and longer times to revocation in one site. HOPEor the more general SCF approach to community supervisionhas been widely praised as an evidence based practice that reduces substance use, violations, new arrests, and revocations to prison. Substantial reductions in return to prison have been associated with claims of significant cost savings for HOPE/SCF over PAU despite the need for additional resources for warning and violation hearings, drug testing, and warrant service. Results from this recently completed, four‐site randomized control trial (RCT) showed that recidivism arrest outcomes were largely similar between those on HOPE/SCF probation and those on PAU and are consistent with findings from the Delaware Decide Your Time (DYT) RCT reported in this issue. No differences in arrests between HOPE and PAU probationers suggest that HOPE can be implemented to provide greater adherence to an idealized probation in which violations are met with a swift (but nondraconian) response without compromising public safety. Nevertheless, the larger numbers of revocations for HOPE probationers in two sites, coupled with the additional expenses for drug testing, warrant service, and so on associated with HOPE, also suggest that overall cost savings may not be realized. Although additional research is needed to determine whether there are groups for whom HOPE may be more effective than PAU, HOPE/SCF seems unlikely to offer better outcomes and lower costs for broad classes of moderate to high-risk probationers. (Publisher abstract modified)
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