The November/December 2023 issue of OJJDP News@ a Glance, published by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, highlights the OJJDP’s fiscal year 2023 funding awards, Tribal consultations, a discussion on advocacy with system-involved youth and parents, and the Preventing Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-Based Bullying Virtual Symposium.
The November/December 2023 issue of OJJDP News@ a Glance, published by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, highlights the OJJDP’s fiscal year 2023 funding awards, OJJDP Tribal consultations, a panel discussion on advocacy with system-involved youth and parents, and the Preventing Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-Based Bullying Virtual Symposium. The issue also includes “Message from the Administrator: A New Year Brings New Opportunities for Justice.” News brief cover the OJJDP Administrator joining First Lady Jill Biden to celebrate International Day of the Girl; the OJJDP Administrator speaking about collaboration at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference; an OJJDP podcast series addresses the opioid crisis and its impact on youth, families, and communities; the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s introduction of a QR Code to help identify missing children; the AMBER Advocate highlighting OJJDP’s Survival Guide for Parents of Missing Children; and information about several measures of school-related crime declined over 10 years.
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