NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2012
11 pages
Publication Series
This edition of the OJJDP News @ A Glance contains 4 main articles that discuss juvenile justice issues as well as 14 brief articles covering juvenile justice topics.
This November/December 2012 issue of OJJDP News @ A Glance contains information and articles that deal with juvenile justice issues. The first article, Attorney General's Task Force Issues Recommendations to Address Children's Exposure to Violence contains the task force's final report and recommendations on launching a coordinated response to address children's exposure to violence. The three articles in the Special Features' section of the newsletter are OJJDP Funds a Total of $268 Million in FY 2012 Awards, National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Convenes in Washington, D.C., and National Research Council Report Supports Developmental Approach to Juvenile Justice. The News in Brief section of the newsletter contains 14 brief news items dealing with a variety of juvenile justice topics. Some of these topics include the school-to-prison pipeline, the over-criminalization of youth, strategies for improving the juvenile justice system for girls, GOOGLE joining the AMBER Alert Network, OJJDP research featured at the ASC 2012 Conference, and the Children Exposed to Violence database that is now available on Other sections of the newsletter include information on upcoming events and new publications.
Date Published: December 1, 2012
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