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Non-Fatal Shooting and Homicide Assessment Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2020
2 pages
This report presents findings and recommendations from the "non-fatal shooting and homicide assessment" of each of 13 medium-to-large law enforcement agencies, which is a requirement of their participation in the federal National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) program, an innovative framework for state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers and prosecutors to investigate, prosecute, and deter violent crime.

This report identifies common themes, technical gaps, and recommendations that stem from assessments of each of 13 medium-to-large law enforcement agencies located in the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. The non-fatal shooting (NFS) and homicide assessments of these agencies resulted in common findings and recommendations in four areas that pertain to a law enforcement agency's capacity to respond to homicides and NFS crimes. Common findings and recommendations address the modernization and improvement in investigative approaches for such crimes, the management of investigator workloads, the maximization of investigative collaboration with other agencies, and the implementation of new approaches to working with victims and witnesses of such crimes. These findings and recommendations will also be used as a resource by federal agencies administering the PSP in order to develop technical assistance and training resources for agencies and personnel involved in the investigation, prosecution, and deterrence of NFS and homicides.

Date Published: September 1, 2020