Despite staff turnover and related challenges, as well as local politics, the Rosebud DCI mounted a much-needed advocacy program for children exposed to violence. There was an overall focus on renewing tribal commitment to traditional tribal values and culture that emphasize child protection and the family's nurturing role in raising children. One of the primary components of the Rosebud DCI model was case management with children who have been referred to the program because of their exposure to violence. Although staff members did not provide direct counseling, they facilitated traditional healing ceremonies such as "sweat lodges" and prayers; and they made referrals to culturally appropriate services. This could include substance abuse treatment and services in domestic-violence and sexual assault cases. Rosebud DCI staff also worked with victimized youth, creating individualized action plans; and they provided court-related and school-related advocacy support. The development of community awareness of the prevalence and victimization of children exposed to violence was also a focus of the Rosebud DCI. Another program component was the revision of tribal legislation and policy to make it more responsive to children's exposure to violence. Tables, figures, and appended data on project-related meetings, relevant sections of the tribal code, and a draft intake form
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