This report presents the findings and methodology of a pilot test of key elements of a longitudinal study of the risks for, experiences with, and consequences of interpersonal violence (IV) among young adults in the United States, with attention to how risk for IV might differ between those young adults who go to college compared to those who do not go to college.
This pilot test of key proposed study elements provided information and direction for the larger study. The 2-year pilot phase tested the following key elements of the proposed study: 1) measurement of IV, including risk factors for and responses to experiences of IV; 2) sample design; 3) respondent recruitment and retention methods; 4) mode of survey administration; 5) data weighting and estimation; and 6) analysis, reporting, and dissemination. The planning team chose a sample design that started with 18-year-olds, who were followed over 6 years. This design was chosen because it facilitated an examination of changes over the critical periods of risk for IV for college-age individuals. Overall, the pilot test generally provided positive results regarding the feasibility of the proposed design. It successfully recruited the target population and represented the population of interest, with some exceptions. Implementing the study on a larger scale should increase the sampling rate from the unmatched strata and consider actions that will increase the participation of individuals who have not finished high school or may already be in college. 18 tables, 3 figures, and appended study instruments
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