This report describes the planning and collaboration undertaken in the Denver initiative in 1997 and 1998. Topics of focus include defining "collaboration;" application of the collaborative model to the criminal justice system and to VS2000, including staff selection; description of an online resources directory; community advocacy; VS2000 case management system; and the establishment of a collaborative structure. The Denver experience and the lessons learned therein are described as providing a clear goal and a results-driven process, including developing the capabilities of the project participants; recruiting unified, committed stakeholders, and external support and recognition; and creating a collaborative climate. A description of VS2000 leadership principles with emphasis on the qualities of required principled leadership is provided. Three elements that contributed to the success of this project were acceptance by the stakeholders that a collaborative climate is not a destination, but a journey; adoption of a shared vision and core values by all that set the tone for the entire process; and agreement that collaboration is part and parcel of how the planning process was to be conducted. A list of three project resources is included.
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