This article proposes a logic model of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ role in veterans treatment courts; it informs of the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and population impacts of services provided to veterans eligible for VA healthcare.
This article presents a Department of Veterans’ Affairs veteran treatment court (VA-VTC) model that serves as a tool for VA staff to communicate with criminal justice and community partners about their role in the treatment courts, and which can guide program evaluation efforts. This article describes the construction of the VA-VTC logic model, which adapted an existing logic model and held expert panels with VA staff, clinical leaders, and researchers for the model’s refinement into a new version that clarifies potential resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and population impacts that fall under the responsibility of the VA. The new model explicitly recognizes the VA as a separate partner in VTCs and can therefore be used as a tool for communication with criminal justice agencies to enable broader discussions about mechanisms that drive VTC outcomes.
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