Criminological research has long suggested that attitudes concerned with honor and aggression, such as the 'street code', are related to violent offending and victimization. Comparatively little information is known, however, about the mechanisms through which these attitudes increase violence. In the current study, predictions were tested using longitudinal data from a nationally representative sample of young adults in the United States. Results show that conflict-related tendencies mediate the pathways that link the street code to violent offending and victimization. In addition, remedial actions temper the association between disputatiousness and violence involvement. (publisher abstract modified)
Lessons of an Honor Code: A Consideration of Conflict-Related Processes and Interpersonal Violence
NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 59 Issue: 5 Dated: September 2019 Pages: 1076-1098
Date Published
September 2019
23 pages
Drawing from interactionist perspectives of aggression and subcultural theories, this study examined the mediating role of two conflict-related tendencies, i.e., disputatiousness and remedial actions, as well as the extent to which remedial actions moderate the association between disputatiousness and violence.
Date Published: September 1, 2019