Several sex offender risk instruments were subjected to taxometric analysis in a sample of male sex offenders.
The results of this investigation showed consistent support for a dimensional interpretation of the latent structure of sexual violence risk and psychopathic sexuality. Clinical implications are discussed with respect to future development of sex offender risk assessment procedures and cutoff scores. The most successful approach to predicting future sexual aggression has been the use of empirically derived, mechanical actuarial risk assessment instruments. The purpose of this study was to examine the latent structure of sexual violence that underlies the most popular of the actuarials currently used. Actuarial scores from widely used sex offender risk instruments (Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool-Revised, Risk Matrix 2000, Static-99, Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide, Sexual Violent Risk-20, and Structured Risk Assessment) as well as Psychopathy Checklist-Revised were subjected to taxometric analysis in a sample of 503 sex offending males using 3 separate procedures. Table, figures, and references
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