NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2000
24 pages
This report presents the methodology, findings, and recommendations of a process evaluation of the Arrest Project in Lake County, CA, a Federal grant program intended to encourage jurisdictions to implement mandatory or proarrest policies as an effective domestic-violence intervention that is part of a coordinated community response to domestic violence.
Currently, two nonprofit community partners are involved with the police department in the project: Sutter Lakeside Community Services (SLCS) and the Inter-Tribal Council of California (ITCC). Sutter Lakeside provides a 24-hour crisis hotline for family violence, rape, or domestic violence and offers counseling, support groups, emergency shelter, and advocacy. The Inter-Tribal Council of California is a family violence program that promotes the elimination of family violence in tribal communities. The Domestic Violence Prevention Council (DVPC), active since 1994, is an advisory group that works to improve the system of domestic violence intervention, treatment, and prevention through coordination, education, and maximum use of resources. The project's stated goal is "to complete a coordinated, integrated, documented system with public and private involvement to implement the mandatory arrest policies already in place in Lake County." In order to accomplish this goal, seven individuals were hired, and eight objectives were developed. This report discusses the proposed plan, implementation strategy, and project performance. The evaluation determined that although some of the original program objectives have not been met or have been delayed, the project has a sound structure and management that has potential for significant achievement. Recommendations for improving project performance are to develop comprehensive protocols and training for criminal justice staff; complete technology networking and enhancements; conduct periodic assessments; formalize the partnerships; and strengthen outreach efforts.
Date Published: April 1, 2000
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