This issue of "Juvenile Justice" provides a compendium of information on preventing and combating delinquency among American Indian youth.
In an interview, Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell advises that the greatest challenges facing American Indian youth are overcoming the obstacles to living a normal childhood, receiving a sound education, and being equipped to compete for jobs in the modern economy. He recommends encouraging and cultivating environments that facilitate positive growth, making it possible to teach children and youth that they can accomplish anything to which they commit themselves. In responding to the increase in violent crimes committed by juveniles in many Tribal communities, the U.S. Congress established the Tribal Youth Program (TYP) in 1999. The program, administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is dedicated to the prevention and control of juvenile crime and the improvement of the juvenile justice system in American Indian communities. An article on the TYP provides background information, an overview of TYP funding, and descriptions of programs and activities conducted with TYP funds. An article on cultural practices in American Indian prevention programs focuses on the inclusion of cultural values and institutions in substance abuse programs for American Indians. Examples of specific cultural values that are and might be included in such programs are provided. Components of a multilevel cultural intervention program are outlined. The section entitled, "In Brief" contains information on understanding and responding to youth gangs in Indian country; summaries of publications on ensuring justice for American Indian children, starting Boys and Girls Clubs in Indian country, and prevention through empowerment in a Native American community; and a listing of American Indian-focused web sites.
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