This article describes the features of the official Web site (JUSTNET) of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) system, which provides access to technology information important for local, State, and Federal corrections, law enforcement, and forensics personnel.
The Web site ( presents several avenues for learning about new and upcoming technologies, equipment guidelines and standards, objective testing data, and science and engineering advice to support and implement technologies. This information is provided at no cost to the user. JUSTNET has seven components. One component provides weekly summaries of articles in professional publications that address corrections and law enforcement technology. The Police Body Armor Database is updated daily with a listing of manufacturers and threat levels of body armor that complies with the latest National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard. JUSTNET also posts all publications produced through the NLECTC system. JUSTNET provides for the posting of questions and concerns on corrections and law enforcement technology. Corrections-related information and events relevant to technology are also described on JUSTNET. In addition, JUSTNET provides a listing of about 800 links to other correctional and criminal justice Web sites.
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