Describes the steps used in the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) formula calculation process and presents summary results of the FY 2010 formula calculations. In total, approximately $457.0 million was allocated for the FY 2010 JAG awards. Funds are distributed to states and localities based on population and violent crime data. In FY 2010, approximately $267.5 million was distributed to the states, $11.1 million to the territories and the District of Columbia, and $174.4 million to local governments.
- The total 2010 allocation for the JAG funding was approximately $457.0 million, of which $445.9 million went to states and $11.1 million to territories and the District of Columbia.
- The five states eligible to receive the largest total state allocation included California ($51.1 million), Texas ($33.9 million), Florida ($30.9 million), New York ($24.8 million), and Illinois ($18.9 million).
- 2,214 local governments were eligible for awards, either directly or through a joint allocation with other governments within their county. The five local governments eligible to receive the largest awards included New York City ($6.4 million), Chicago ($4.9 million), Los Angeles ($3.1 million), Philadelphia ($3.0 million), and Houston ($2.7 million).
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