Provides estimates of violence by intimates (current or former spouses, girlfriends, and boyfriends) against females with an emphasis on victim's age, 1993-99. Included are 1999 rates of intimate partner violence against females overall, rates for specific violent crimes (rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and simple assault), and 1993-1999 trends in fatal and nonfatal intimate partner violence. Also presented are 1993-99 aggregate rates of intimate partner violence by victim's age focusing further on victim's race, Hispanic origin, annual household income and marital status. Additional statistics on domestic violence provided include the percentage of same-sex intimate partner violence, presence of weapons, injuries to victims, type of intimates who offend, and reporting to police. The data for this report are drawn from the NCVS and the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports.
- Intimate partners murdered 1,218 women during 1999. From 1993 to 1999 intimates killed 45% of all female murder victims age 20-24.
- Women separated from their husbands were victimized by an intimate at rates higher than married, divorced, widowed, or never married women.
- Women age 35-49 were the most vulnerable to intimate murder, while females age 16 to 24 were the most vulnerable to nonfatal violence.
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