This is a summary of the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program's (ITVERP's) activities from October 1, 2012, through September 30, 2013.
The report covers the following critical areas of ITVERP assistance: 1) Application processing and claims payment; and 2) Public awareness activities undertaken to reach out to potential claimants. The report concludes with a discussion of future program needs and suggested improvements. During this reporting period, ITVERP received 38 new applications for reimbursement. The applications involve terrorist incidents dating from November 24, 1992, to August 21, 2013. The status of each application is reported. In order to process claims, ITVERP requires verification of the claimant's eligibility and confirmation that the expenses submitted have been processed in compliance with ITVERP regulations. Reimbursement requests by expense categories are reported, along with reimbursements paid by expense categories. Data and information are also provided on appeals. future liability, and program updates. Program updates address deadline extensions and supplemental claims. The report's section on promoting public awareness reviews activities related to outreach to potential claimants, outreach to collaborating agencies and organizations, the ITVERP Resource Center, and ITVERP online. A discussion of future program needs and improvements addresses dealing with the complexity of claims and the expansion of outreach to organizations that come into contact with victims. 12 exhibits
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