This annual report, produced jointly by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and National Center for Education Statistics, presents data on school crime and safety from the perspectives of students, teachers, and principals. It contains 23 indicators of school crime and safety, including violent deaths; nonfatal student and teacher victimization; school environment; fights, weapons, and illegal substances; fear and avoidance; discipline, safety, and security measures; and campus safety and security. Data sources include the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), the School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the NCVS, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), and the School and Staffing Survey (SASS).
- In 2016, students ages 12-18 experienced 749,400 victimizations (theft and nonfatal violent victimization) at school and 601,300 victimizations away from school. The total victimization rates were 29 victimizations per 1,000 students at school and 24 per 1,000 students away from school.
- In 2016, the rate of total victimization at school was higher for males (38 victimizations per 1,000 male students) than for females (20 per 1,000 female students).
- During the 2015-16 school year, the percentage of public schools that reported student bullying occurred at least once a week was higher for middle schools (22%) than for high schools (15%), combined schools (11%), and primary schools (8%).
- The percentage of public schools that had a plan in place for procedures to be performed in the event of a shooting increased over time, from 79% in 2003-04 to 92% in 2015-16.
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