NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2014
22 pages
This is the powerpoint slide presentation of the report, "Implementing Evidence-based Practices," which is intended for use as a tool in instructing criminal justice practitioners in addressing the challenges of implementing a replication of an evidence-based program evaluated as working effectively in another setting.
The presentation notes that "implementation fidelity" is the degree to which a program's implementation in any real-world setting matches the original program model. In discussing "implementation fidelity," the presentation indicates that several factors can affect an organization's ability to implement an evidence-based program with a high degree of fidelity. These include the complexity of the program, facilitation strategies that are available to the implementing organization, and the responsiveness of program clients and staff. Program models that provide specific implementation guidelines or protocols facilitate higher levels of adherence to the program model, regardless of the complexity of the program. The responsiveness and engagement of implementation staff is important in ensuring that the program leadership is attentive to detail and guidelines in program implementation. The clients targeted for the program are also a key factor in program implementation. The targeted participants must be matched as closely as possible to those who participated successfully in the evidence-based program model in terms of cultural backgrounds, gender, age, educational and developmental levels, and criminogenic needs. Adaptation of the original evidence-based program model to varying settings is also identified as an issue in the replication of evidence-based program models. This instruction suggests that initial implementation be as close to the original program model as possible, with adaptations made only after the program's operation and outcomes have been assessed over time.
Date Published: December 1, 2014
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