This report analyzes the types of human trafficking (labor trafficking and sex trafficking) in 2022. It provides statistics on the number of incidents and victimizations by type and includes breakdowns by sex, age, race, location, and weapon type. It also includes statistics that show incident clearance types, numbers of offenders per incident, numbers of victims per incident, and the relationship of alleged offenders to victims.
- U.S. law enforcement agencies reported an estimated 2,950 human trafficking incidents, of which 81% were incidents of sex trafficking and 19% were incidents of labor trafficking.
- About 70% of both sex and labor trafficking incidents involved a single victim.
- Two-thirds of sex trafficking (66%) and labor trafficking (68%) incidents were not cleared by law enforcement, meaning the incidents did not result in an arrest or exceptional clearance.
- Law enforcement agencies reported an estimated 3,570 human trafficking victimizations. Of these, 78% were sex trafficking victimizations and 22% were labor trafficking victimizations.
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