This document serves as a guidebook for the administration of government grant funding to member Children's Advocacy Center chapter organizations, laying out details for project considerations, readiness focus areas, and next steps.
This guide provides information to help Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) Chapter organizations with undertaking the administration of government grant funding to member CACs in their states. It provides checklists that ask relevant questions, centered around items that Chapter CACs should consider before undertaking an initiative; following each checklist, there is information that explores the central components, or readiness focus areas, with a description of what team members may want to consider when deciding whether or not to undertake the corresponding initiative. The document authors recommend reviewing the readiness guide in partnership with a committee, workgroup, team, or key staff at the local Chapter, CAC representatives, and Chapter board members. Project considerations discussed include: what is meant by Chapter grant administration; why some chapters opt to serve as grant administrators for CACs, while others opt not to serve. The readiness focus areas discussed include: membership needs and readiness; Chapter authority and role; Chapter staff capacity and expertise; financial resources and stability; external relationships; risk management; and governance. The section on Next Steps provides guidance on how to evaluate readiness; guided evaluation questions; and how to proceed with the initiative.
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