Inmates who violate prison rules and regulations may be confined in disciplinary segregation as a punishment, which includes a loss of privileges and reduced opportunities to socialize and participate in prison programming. Few studies have explored the relationship between confinement in disciplinary segregation and recidivism. The current study found that confinement in disciplinary segregation and the timing of confinement prior to release were associated with increased odds of recidivism. (publisher abstract modified)
An Examination of the Influence of Exposure to Disciplinary Segregation on Recidivism
NCJ Number
Crime & Delinquency Dated: 2019
Date Published
10 pages
This study collected data from offenders on postrelease supervision in Ohio to examine how various types of exposure to confinement in disciplinary segregation while in prison influenced the odds of recidivism after release, and confinement in disciplinary segregation in the months preceding release from prison was examined by use of difference of means tests.
Date Published: January 1, 2019