NCJ Number
Date Published
196 pages
Publication Series
This report presents the methodology and findings of an evaluation of Florida's Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program (DDTP), a residential substance abuse treatment program for State inmates.
In 1997, the U.S. Department of Justice granted funds to the Florida Department of Corrections to establish within correctional facilities a largely self-contained therapeutic program of integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment for inmates diagnosed with both types of disorder. A combination of research methods was used to evaluate the implementation of the DDTP. The two principal methods were face-to-face interviews with individuals in key positions and the observation of planning, training, and treatment activities. These methods were supplemented with a review of relevant documents and correspondence. The evaluation determined both the extent to which DDTP implementation progressed according to plan and the adequacy of responses undertaken when the process did not develop as intended. Most of the delays and departures from the initial implementation plan resulted from inadequate planning and preparation for the new program. The low rate of referral to the DDTP was largely the result of the failure to include those who would screen and refer inmates in planning and training sessions. The evaluation recommends that early in implementation, responsibility should be assigned for active oversight at a sufficiently high level in the department to ensure timely and appropriate actions by each division and staff category for which the new program will result in new or additional responsibilities. As early as is practical, lines of authority should be identified for specific aspects of program implementation and subsequent operation. All staff categories for which the new program will result in new responsibilities should be identified, and appropriate training and instructions should be provided for each. There should be follow-up in-service training for DDTP treatment staff, as well as other staff who participate in screening or referring inmates to the program. Finally, adequate attention should be given to establishing the external links necessary to ensure the effective movement of inmates from the institutional phases of the DDTP to the community-based final phase. 38 references, 4 tables, and appended listing of DDTP inmates by offense, category, diagnostic category, and program, along with interview questionnaires
Date Published: January 1, 1999
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