NCJ Number
Date Published
May 1996
143 pages
The disproportionate minority confinement (DMC) mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires States to develop and implement strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities; in an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot States; this is the final evaluation report for the Iowa project.
The evaluation of Iowa's DMC Initiative consisted of a State-level process evaluation and an evaluation of the Phase II community demonstration intervention. The State-level process evaluation involved a qualitative analysis of project documents from Phase I research and findings and Phase II planning activities and interviews with key DMC participants on Phase I issues and Phase II planning, development, implementation, and monitoring issues. The evaluation of the Phase II community demonstration project consisted of quantitative analysis of incidence data; qualitative and quantitative analysis of program operations data; measures of participant satisfaction; and qualitative analysis of interview and focus group data obtained from program staff and community representatives, who discussed their perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge of the programs, as well as broader issues that pertain to minority youth. The analysis of juvenile confinement data revealed that during the 1992 State fiscal year, minority youth were overrepresented in jails, lockups, juvenile detention facilities, State mental health institutes, and the boys' State training school. The community demonstration project funded in Phase II involved a comprehensive, multiagency effort to reduce criminal and delinquent activity among youth. The program advocates on behalf of youth and families in the community and seeks to strengthen the neighborhood through citizen action and collaboration with public providers of family services. The evaluation revealed that the program served a significant number of families and individuals. The program multiplied the impact of its efforts by advocating for minority youth and their families; collaborating with juvenile justice agencies, other public agencies, and community nonprofit organizations; and developing alternative resources, such as culturally sensitive delinquency treatment. Future plans are outlined. Extensive exhibits and appended evaluation forms
Date Published: May 1, 1996
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