This Evaluation Action Plan document template is designed to support partnerships between practitioners and evaluators who are implementing and evaluating programs designed to prevent, respond to, and address substance misuse; it is organized according to the following sections which include tips and resources, as appropriate: Lead Agency and Project Name, Problem Identification, Evaluation Partner, Logic Model, Evaluation Action Plan Matrix, Data Collection, Information Sharing, and Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance.
This template document provides an action plan for practitioners and evaluators who are implementing and evaluating programs such as those to prevent, respond to, or address substance misuse. The template lays out a plan for program evaluation; it is intended to be used by program staff who will develop and complete the document with their evaluation partner(s). The plan guides users in the process of clearly identifying the problem their project seeks to address, the data that led them to identifying the problem, a logic model that identifies the solution(s) to be tested, and a preliminary plan to evaluate program impact and implementation. Each section of the plan provides tips and resources, when possible, and space for template users to input their answers.
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