NCJ Number
Date Published
12 pages
This report describes the grant awards made by the National Institute of Justice as a result of its solicitation for proposals for policing research and evaluation.
NIJ received more than 300 proposals and awarded 55 grants totaling $13.5 million. The awards included six evaluation grants, 10 organizational grants, six focusing on police and the community, seven for strategies and tactics, and 26 for locally initiated programs. Each grant is described with respect to its topic, the grantee name, and name of the principal investigator, the amount funded, and the project objectives. Projects include a national evaluation of the progress made and problems encountered implementing Title I of the 1994 Crime Act, evaluations of different strategies for moving police agencies toward community policing, analyses of citizen involvement in community policing, studies of strategies and tactics for addressing crime and disorderly conditions, and research on collaborative efforts to improve law enforcement.
Date Published: January 1, 1996
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