This story of “Maya’s Homes,” which is a sequel to “Brave Maya,” is intended for children ages 2-6 who may be removed from their homes by a court because it is unsafe for the child and then placed with another caregiver.
The story focuses on what happens to Maya after she is removed from her home and placed with another caregiver, her auntie. In illustrating common occurrences in such cases, Maya asks questions as she meets regularly with her advocate, counselor, and other practitioners, as well as in visits with her mother. The story begins with Maya learning about being moved from her mother’s house to her auntie’s house. This includes explanations to Maya about why she will be leaving her familiar world and her mother. The transference of familiar possessions and her feelings about being away from her mother are addressed by the story. Feelings about adjustments and changes in living with her auntie are also addressed. Maya and the reader are provided instructions on physical exercises that can help in reducing stress and bringing relaxation for better sleep. Auntie provides comforting and instructive suggestions for Maya in adjusting to the change in her life and what she can expect for the future in her relationship with her mother. The publishers of this story recommend it be used only for children who have experienced or may experience removal in their own child welfare cases.
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