This packet contains information, instructions, and materials for a step-by-step action plan that organizations and communities can use to empower people to counter identity theft.
One booklet describes steps that a victim of identity theft can take to help remedy its effects. It includes discussions of legal rights, how to handle specific problems in the course of attempting to clear one's name, and what to look for in the future in detecting identity theft. Another part of the packet is a How-To Guide that provides instructions for any organization that wants to help its members, employees, or audiences learn more about identity theft. It focuses on how to deter identity thieves, detect suspicious activity, and defend against identity theft if a problem is suspected. A CD-ROM accompanies the How-To Guide in order to provide a visual presentation and illustration of the material in the guide. A 10-minute DVD is provided for use in introducing and providing an overview of the themes of deterring identity thieves, detecting early signs that one's identity is being used by a thief for criminal activities, and defending against the potential consequences of an identity theft. The packet also contains a brochure that provides a brief outline of the steps to take in deterring, detecting, and defending against identity theft.
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