This report presents results of an audit of the Office of Justice Programs' Procurement for the JustGrants System.
This audit of the US Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs' Procurement for the JustGrants System found that OJP Could have better performed planning to ensure effective delivery of BPA requirements; that OJP should ensure future procurement documents, including solicitations and statements of work, provide an accurate description of need and establish clear performance metrics; that OJP should ensure the duties delegated to the contracting officer’s representative (COR ) are fully executed and documented; and that OJP should ensure invoiced costs are paid in timely fashion. The audit objectives were to assess: (1) OJP’s implementation of the JustGrants transition; (2) OJP’s administration of the procurement; and (3) General Dynamics Information Technology’s (GDIT) performance and compliance with the terms, conditions, laws, and regulations applicable to the procurement. OJP has remedied many of the critical issues and fiscal year (FY) 2022 awards were made in a timely manner. As of February 2023, OJP continues to resolve technical issues and build out JustGrants. However, the auditors identified weaknesses with OJP’s contractor oversight and monitoring that resulted in noncompliance with BPA terms and conditions. The audit found that inadequate coordination and ineffective planning early in the process significantly affected OJP’s ability to deliver JustGrants as intended. Since the launch of JustGrants, OJP has improved its management of contractor staff and continues to add system features. As of March 2023, the Components continue to discuss desired functionality and whether any functionality identified should be built directly within JustGrants or built externally and later integrated into the system.
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