This article summarizes some of the main findings of an 18-month ESRC-funded study that investigated how far the Anti-Social Behavior Response Court (ASBRC) model has been absorbed into mainstream courts in England and Wales.
A problem-solving approach to anti-social behavior (ASB) cases has recently been embedded into magistrates' courts in England and Wales. This approach incorporates core components of the Anti-Social Behavior Response Court (ASBRC) model and is underpinned by principles of community justice. This article summarizes some of the main findings of an 18-month ESRC-funded study that investigated how far the ASBRC model has been absorbed into mainstream courts in England and Wales. This research suggests that courts have not embedded community justice principles, nor have they altered their focus to incorporate a significant degree of liaison with the community. The article concludes with some observations on the implications of the findings for the development and enhancement of community engagement and community justice principles. (Published Abstract)
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