NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2001
72 pages
This guide defines and describes the components of the antenna system of the radio communications system and characteristics of the antenna itself.
The guide attempts to provide sufficient understanding of the fundamentals, characteristics, and functions of antennas to enable an individual to develop requirements and discuss antennas with vendors, installers, repair shops, etc. It contains a minimum of equations and references to theory, and the information is generally restricted to the kind of antennas used by law enforcement agencies, specifically land mobile radio (LMR) and associated radio frequencies. The guide describes the function of the antenna system and the fundamentals of antennas and radio wave propagation. It presents the engineering, or functional, characteristics of antennas and describes their electrical, radiation, and physical characteristics. It describes use of antennas within a radio communications system, transmission lines and related components needed to connect an antenna to a transmitter or a receiver, the modes of radio wave propagation commonly used for LMR systems, and how an antenna pattern and propagation effects are used to achieve required geographical coverage. The guide also covers the practical aspects of developing and expressing requirements for an antenna, the installation, maintenance, and safety of antennas, and examples of available products and services. Notes, figures, table, resources, acronyms, references
Date Published: April 1, 2001
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