This report of activities for fiscal years 2021 and 2022 presents the public with exhibits of data from the Office for Victims of Crime and information about the Crime Victims Fund, formula grants, compensation and assistance highlights, direct services funding, programming for capacity building, and funding for research and evaluation of projects.
This report from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) lays out activities during fiscal years (FY) 2021 and 2022. The table of contents on the left side provides links to each section of the report, which include: a message from the director; exhibits, with data on the Crime Victims Fund (CVF) cash flow, deposits and disbursements, victim compensation and assistance programs, noting monetary information as well as breakdowns on numbers of clients served and service sites; another section on formula grants for Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) compensation and assistance, which includes background information as well as data charts. The Direct Services section provides information on state formula grants, VOCA statutory set-asides, OVC discretionary funding, and the Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve. The Capacity Building section includes subsections covering the capacity-building program areas that OVC supported in FYs 2021 and 2022, including tribal communities; terrorism and mass violence; human trafficking; law enforcement support; elder abuse and financial exploitation; increasing access and equity; and training and technical assistance. The Research and Evaluation provides information on how the OVC measures the impact of victim services; how the OVC has carried out efforts to generate, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data on victimization, victim services, and related critical topics. Another section provides information on OVC’s Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime Program, which supports grantees in developing innovative strategies to create, expand, or enhance the use of technology initiatives in order to improve victim services. The Serving Victims Everywhere section discusses the importance of strengthening connections across allied fields in order to expand the availability and quality of victim services. Finally, the Public Awareness section discusses public outreach efforts.
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