Archival Notice
This is an archive page that is no longer being updated. It may contain outdated information and links may no longer function as originally intended.
Given the overall improvement in community level spread of COVID-19, the Department has eased restrictions on when cooperative agreement recipients may host or provide substantial direct support to in-person conferences using OJP-provided funds (though note that all non-pandemic-related requirements remain in place). We have appreciated your patience during these difficult times, and we are pleased to be able to work with you to engage with the field and in-person again.
There is no longer the general requirement to receive prior approval from OJP leadership to host or provide substantial direct support for a meeting/conference/event.
Regarding the hosting of in-person conferences (with Department funds) of more than 50 in-person attendees, if the community level in the location of the meeting, conference, or event is “high” a request must be submitted by the cooperative agreement recipient to OJP for consideration by the Department. (Community levels can be found here: COVID-19 Community Levels.) Such requests must be submitted through your Grants Manager for consideration. If you plan a conference in a county where the community level is “low” or “medium,” and, by the time of the conference, the community level has changed to “high,” you may proceed with the conference, but should consult with your Grants Manager and use all necessary precautions to protect the health and wellness of the attendees.
In addition, if your meeting is being held in a county where the COVID-19 Community Level is “medium” or “high,” all in-person attendees must provide information about their vaccination status, and attendees who are not fully vaccinated or decline to provide this information must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test completed within the previous 3 days and comply with relevant safety protocols, consistent with their vaccination status.
Should you have any questions about this guidance, please reach out to your Grants Manager. Given the nature of the pandemic, these guidelines are always subject to change. If changes occur, OJP will notify you as soon as possible.