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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Understanding Sexual Assault Perpetration: An Overview of Typologies, Risk, and Recidivism (Webinar)

Event Dates
This webinar examines current sex offender typologies and the limitations of existing research around sex offender categorization. Presenters will review risk factors for sexual assault perpetration at the individual, relationship, community, and sociocultural level.

In addition, this webinar explores criminal patterns among sexual perpetrators, recidivism rates, and risk factors for reoffending.

As a result of this training, participants will:
- Know common typologies of adult rapists and child molesters.
- Learn at least five risk factors for sexual assault perpetration.
- Identify at least three risk factors for sexual recidivism.

Event Option(s)
Sponsor(s) / Host(s)
Justice Clearinghouse
Aaron Gorrell
Title: Founder
Phone number

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Sexual assault Crime Corrections
Date Created: February 3, 2021