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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Reentry Planning: Supporting Youth as They Transition Back to Their Community (Webinar)

Event Dates
The 2018 reauthorization of the JJDPA sets out, for the first time, language related to reentry plans for youth who are returning to the community.

This is a critically important step to ensure that young people exit the justice system to safe, stable, and secure housing.

Research has shown that 44% of young people who are experiencing homelessness report that they have also spent time in a jail or detention facility.

This webinar will discuss the new JJDPA reentry requirements, how states can work with youth, families, schools, businesses, and community-based organizations when planning for reentry, and provide examples of successful programs.

- Darla Bardine, Executive Director, National Network for Youth
- Vazaskia Crockell, Director, Office of Juvenile Justice, Washington State DSHS Rehabilitation Administration
- Naomi Smoot, Executive Director, Coalition for Juvenile Justice

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Juvenile justice Corrections
Date Created: February 3, 2021