Event Dates
Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey
Harrisburg, PA
This 3.5-day team-based training will guide existing multidisciplinary teams (MDT) to improve their response to child sex trafficking (CST) and assist those seeking to establish a formal MDT in their communities to effectively respond to CST cases. Subject matter experts will work with teams to identify gaps and develop short- and long-term response plans.
Prerequisite: Attendance at a course such as System Response to High Risk Victims-Child Sex Trafficking (HRV CST) or Investigative Strategies in Child Abduction Cases (ISCAC), or have a working knowledge of child sex trafficking.
Learning Objectives:
- Differentiate between responses to traditional child abuse and CST cases.
- Utilize the components of an effective MDT for CST.
- Recognize and locate youth at risk of victimization.
- Create a plan that encompasses strengths, challenges, and a direction for your MDT response to CST.
Registration Deadline: July 30, 2018.
Prerequisite: Attendance at a course such as System Response to High Risk Victims-Child Sex Trafficking (HRV CST) or Investigative Strategies in Child Abduction Cases (ISCAC), or have a working knowledge of child sex trafficking.
Learning Objectives:
- Differentiate between responses to traditional child abuse and CST cases.
- Utilize the components of an effective MDT for CST.
- Recognize and locate youth at risk of victimization.
- Create a plan that encompasses strengths, challenges, and a direction for your MDT response to CST.
Registration Deadline: July 30, 2018.
Date Created: February 3, 2021