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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Learning from Error in Criminal Justice: A Sentinel Events Approach (Webinar)

Event Dates
In criminal justice, a "sentinel event" is a bad outcome that might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, mishandling of evidence, wrongful conviction, or "near miss," in which a negative event is narrowly avoided. Too often, the criminal justice system fails to learn from these bad outcomes.

Drawing inspiration from aviation, medicine, and other high-risk fields, the Sentinel Events Initiative (SEI) takes an alternative approach. SEI advocates for non-blaming, all-stakeholder, forward-looking reviews of sentinel events, to learn from these events in an effort to prevent their recurrence.

This webinar:
- outlines the sentinel events approach,
- shares how criminal justice practitioners can implement sentinel event reviews in their jurisdictions,
- includes information about a National Demonstration Project being implemented across the country by the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

- Maureen Q. McGough, an attorney and senior policy advisor at the National Institute of Justice
- James Doyle, a Senior Consultant to the National Institute of Justice's Sentinel Events Initiative

Date Created: February 3, 2021