Event Dates
Ponderay Events Center
Ponderay, ID
*This class has been cancelled. The National Criminal Justice Training Center encourages you to sign up for their emails for updates on when the class will be rescheduled. Sign up for their emails here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=4x5yulqab&p=oi&m=1117082385151&sit=nhz9jqvib&f=5e680e0c-5053-4aff-a7cb-8786d04e5bd2v
Improve investigative techniques and efforts on long-term missing and cold case investigations. Learn from case studies, interactive case discussions, and specific techniques to improve the skill and capacities of law enforcement personnel assigned to long-term missing cases. Learn investigative and prosecutorial strategies for the investigator.
Improve investigative techniques and efforts on long-term missing and cold case investigations. Learn from case studies, interactive case discussions, and specific techniques to improve the skill and capacities of law enforcement personnel assigned to long-term missing cases. Learn investigative and prosecutorial strategies for the investigator.
Date Created: February 3, 2021