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Interviewing Youth Using the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) Protocol

Event Dates

How an investigator/forensic interviewer asks questions of or talk to children and adolescent witnesses, victims or suspects can make or break a case. Child and adolescent interview techniques have been modified over the years to take into account what is known from science about human development, the brain, memory, suggestibility and eyewitness recall to inform the interview environment, interviewer's choice of questions, even word choice.

In this webinar, hosted by the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA), Dr. Wendy Dutton will provide an overview of the National Institute of Child Health and Development Protocol (NICHD Protocol) and its use for interviewing youth witnesses and suspects. 

OJJDP's National Training and Technical Assistance Center will share registration information with NDAA for CLE credit purposes.

This webinar will be recorded and posted on OJJDP's YouTube page. The presentation will be available after the event.

Date Created: July 25, 2024