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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Gang Prosecution Symposium

Event Dates
Hotel Maya

Long Beach, CA

*The in-person event has been cancelled. See this page for details: https://registrations.cdaa.org//CalDA/Events_Home.aspx?DisplayAreaOptions=No

This dual-track seminar is geared toward gang prosecutors and investigators of all levels.

While general session topics will focus on issues germane to attendees of all gang prosecution experience levels, the two tracks will be divided into introductory- and advanced-level topics.

The introductory-level topics will be geared toward those new to gang prosecutions, providing a basic understanding of gang-related crimes and offering insight into and tried-and-true tactics to manage the complexities of gang case prosecution.

The advanced-level topics will focus on issues more suited to experienced gang prosecutors and investigators.

Date Created: February 3, 2021