Event Dates
Excalibur Hotel and Casino
Las Vegas, NV
Training topics:
- Drug and Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault
- Preventing the Sexual Assault of Children
- Incest Case Study "House of Secrets"
- Jaycee Dugard Story "How a System Failed a Little Girl"
- FETI-Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing
- The Effects of Childhood Trauma in Later Years
- Identifying Signs of Strangulation
- Making Sure that Orders for DV Protection Work
- The Psychology of Abuse, "Why Does He Do It?"
- Family Related Homicide/Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Model Policy for Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence
- Ways to Reduce DV in Law Enforcement and Military Families
- Typologies of Abusers
- The Nexus between Animal Abuse and Violence Against Humans
- Do Batterers' Intervention Programs Work?
- Developing Coordinated Community Programs to Combat Domestic Violence
- Bystander Intervention in DV "How You Can Help"
Attendees should include: law enforcement officers, licensed clinical social workers, victim advocates, prosecutors, Native American leaders, social workers, mental health workers, educators, substance abuse counselors, rape treatment center workers, nurses, batterers' intervention counselors, military police, SHARPs, and SARCs.
- Drug and Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault
- Preventing the Sexual Assault of Children
- Incest Case Study "House of Secrets"
- Jaycee Dugard Story "How a System Failed a Little Girl"
- FETI-Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing
- The Effects of Childhood Trauma in Later Years
- Identifying Signs of Strangulation
- Making Sure that Orders for DV Protection Work
- The Psychology of Abuse, "Why Does He Do It?"
- Family Related Homicide/Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Model Policy for Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence
- Ways to Reduce DV in Law Enforcement and Military Families
- Typologies of Abusers
- The Nexus between Animal Abuse and Violence Against Humans
- Do Batterers' Intervention Programs Work?
- Developing Coordinated Community Programs to Combat Domestic Violence
- Bystander Intervention in DV "How You Can Help"
Attendees should include: law enforcement officers, licensed clinical social workers, victim advocates, prosecutors, Native American leaders, social workers, mental health workers, educators, substance abuse counselors, rape treatment center workers, nurses, batterers' intervention counselors, military police, SHARPs, and SARCs.
Date Created: February 3, 2021