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Child Welfare Virtual Expo 2019

Event Dates
The theme of this year's Virtual Expo, Effectiveness in Child Welfare: Our Role in Improving the Lives of Children and Families, will provide opportunities to learn about collecting and using data, feedback, and research in child welfare to assess performance, test assumptions, and determine how you can be most effective in your work.

Sessions include:
- How we make daily decisions in cases, programs, and administration

- Why we feel confident (or not) that what we're doing is working

- Practical steps and strategies we can use to innovate and improve what we do

- How we can create systems that reward curiosity and feedback-seeking behaviors

- Why all of our voices (including those of children, youth, and families) matter in evaluation design and interpretation

- How data, feedback, and evaluation can be made more understandable and useful

Date Created: February 3, 2021