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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Ambiguous Loss: The Impact of Missing Persons on Victims, Advocates and Judicial System Personnel (Webinar)

Event Dates
When a family discovers that one of its members has gone missing, it sets into motion a process of physical, emotional and mental activity that is incomparable to any other situation. This impact is then expanded to include law enforcement members involved in the search to locate the missing person. If charges are filed, the impact then extends to the court-workers and judicial system personnel. This impact is unique in response to the individual never being found, or being found deceased.

This webinar will explore this impact and ways to support those who are affected.

On completion of this webinar, participants will:
- define ambiguous loss and understand how it differs from loss due to death.
- identify behaviors and characteristics that result from experiencing ambiguous loss.
- recognize the unique impact that this type of loss may have on the larger system involved.
- discuss ways to provide support for those impacted by ambiguous loss.

Date Created: February 3, 2021