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The Department of Justice created this directory of grant resources to support the President’s charge, in Executive Order 14053 (“Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing or Murdered Indigenous People”), to make “grantmaking more equitable for Tribal applicants seeking support for law enforcement purposes and for the provision of services to victims and survivors.” Administered by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, the Office of Justice Programs, and the Office on Violence Against Women, the initiatives described below include discretionary and formula grant programs for which tribes are eligible. They support a range of effective criminal justice, prevention, intervention, reentry, and victim services activities. Funding opportunities can be found on and are announced as they become available on the OJP, OVW, and COPS Office websites.
Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program
This program aims to improve collaboration between state agencies, local government agencies, tribes and community and faith-based organizations to address the challenges that reentry and recidivism reduction pose for youth assessed at a moderate to high risk of reoffending and who are returning to their communities from juvenile residential or correctional facilities. The program also supports intensive assistance for jurisdictions working to improve their community supervision practices and build strong juvenile reentry data and performance measurement capacity. This program furthers the DOJ’s mission by supporting efforts to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth returning to their communities following confinement. More information is at
Family Drug Court Program
The purpose of this program is to provide treatment and accountability to parents with substance use disorders by offering access to treatment and recovery services that will ultimately protect children; reunite families, when safe to do so; and expedite permanency. Programs must include the provision of treatment and recovery services to specifically address opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse reduction. More information is at
Family-Based Alternative Sentencing
This program will provide funding to support states, tribes and communities as they implement new, or enhance existing, community-based alternative sentencing programs that provide culturally competent, community-based supports to strengthen the emotional, physical, and social well-being for children and families. DOJ will support potential models that divert justice-involved parents/primary caregivers whom a court has found guilty of a crime from the prison system, promote the unification of families, and prevent children from entering the foster care and/or juvenile justice systems. More information is at
Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry Program
The Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry Program provides funding for grants to nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes to implement or expand reentry programs that demonstrate strong partnerships with corrections, parole, probation, and other reentry service providers. These partnerships should develop comprehensive case management plans that directly address criminogenic risks and needs, as determined by validated criminogenic risk assessments, and include delivery or facilitation of services. Grants made under this program may be used for: (1) mentoring adult offenders during incarceration, through transition back to the community, and post-release; (2) transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community; and (3) training regarding offender and victims’ issues. More information is at
Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Reduction Strategies (CAREERRS) Program
This program enhances corrections systems’ ability to address the substance use treatment needs of offenders in order to reduce recidivism, promote recovery, and improve public safety and public health. This includes prison-based family treatment programs to incarcerated parents of minor children and pregnant women. The program also helps communities establish education, vocation, and job training programs in their correctional systems that address employment challenges faced by incarcerated adults reentering those communities and the workforce. Tribes are encouraged to consider seeking funds to support tribal members who are incarcerated to prepare for their reentry, building on BJA’s tribal reentry training.
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program
To respond to the abuse of opioids that has devastated many communities, DOJ’s Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program (COSSAP) promotes the leveraging of existing resources within a community. COSSAP provides financial and technical assistance to states, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to plan, develop, and implement comprehensive efforts that identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by the opioid epidemic, through methods including diversion to treatment, alternatives to incarceration, and jail-based programming. This program also promotes cross-system planning and the coordination of delivering services as it seeks to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, DOJ provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 3 is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the DOJ provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 4 is at
Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry
Through this opportunity, the DOJ seeks applications for funding to establish, expand, and improve treatment and recovery support services for people with substance use disorders during their incarceration and upon reentry into the community.
More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 8: Juvenile Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
These grants help participating courts develop or strengthen policies, procedures, and services that address underage drinking and substance use. Tribal juvenile healing to wellness courts often combine judicial intervention with tribal values, such as spirituality and connection to the family and community, to treat youth. More information is at
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
The Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program builds the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribal governments to implement new juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) and enhance existing JDTCs for individuals with substance abuse problems or co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma. More information is at
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
This program aims to improve the nation’s safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information; and by ensuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. Tribes became eligible for funding pursuant to the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010. More information is at
The NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
This program provides grants to assist states, state court systems and tribal governments in updating the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) with certain mental health, protection and restraining order, domestic violence conviction, and other criminal history record information which may disqualify individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms. BJS coordinates its work on the NICS program with the efforts of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) to ensure that funded state and state court system programs are complementary and consistent with the overall goal of improving the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of state and national criminal records. More information is ate:
Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies and Census of Tribal Court Systems
The Tribal Law and Order Act, enacted on July 29, 2010, requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to establish and implement a tribal data collection system (P.L. 111–211, 124 Stat. 2258 § 251(b)). The Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA) and the Census of Tribal Court Systems (CTCS) help fulfill BJS’s legislative mandate. This program includes (1) convening an expert panel and conducting stakeholder engagement, (2) developing the questionnaires for the CTLEA and CTCS, (2) updating the universe frames, (3) fielding the CTLEA and CTCS, (4) cleaning and validating data, and (5) delivering raw data files, final datasets, and documentation. More information is at
Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
This funding is meant to help strengthen civil and criminal legal assistance programs for adult and youth victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking who are seeking relief in legal matters relating to or arising out of that abuse or violence. More information is at
Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction
This funding assists Indian tribes in planning, implementing, and exercising “special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction” to hold accountable non-Indians who commit crimes of domestic violence or dating violence or violate certain protection orders in Indian country. More information is at
Tribal Governments Program
This program enhances the ability of tribes to respond to violent crimes against Indian women, enhance victim safety, and develop education and prevention strategies. More information is at
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
This program, awarded to states and territories, enhances the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. More information is at
Bridging Inequities - Legal Services and Victims' Rights Enforcement for Underserved Communities
This program will support a single awardee to manage a subgrant program to competitively select 20 legal fellows to be hosted by organizations across the nation and located in underserved communities, particularly those in Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities, to provide civil legal services and provide technical assistance to expand the legal fellows' knowledge on legal issues and victims' rights enforcement, and create opportunities for peer learning. More information is at
Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr Initiative
This program supports state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution agencies and their partners to conduct outreach and education to practitioners and the public; and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes committed on the basis of a victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. More information is at
Emmet Till Cold Case Investigations Programs
This program supports cold case murder investigations and prosecutions that may have been based on the victim’s race and occurred prior to December 31, 1979. These investigations and prosecutions can include efforts to assist and work with the victims’ families and other community members impacted by these crimes to bring reconciliation. This funding can support cold case murders of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives which are consistent with these requirements as part of a tribe’s Murdered and Missing Indigenous Persons Strategy. More information is at
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program
To respond to the abuse of opioids that has devastated many communities, the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program (COSSAP) promotes the leveraging of existing resources within a community. COSSAP provides financial and technical assistance to states, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to plan, develop, and implement comprehensive efforts that identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by the opioid epidemic, through methods including diversion to treatment, alternatives to incarceration, and jail-based programming. This program also promotes cross-system planning and the coordination of delivering services as it seeks to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses. More information is at
Adult Drug Court Program
Through this opportunity, the DOJ is seeking applications to plan, implement, and enhance drug court services, including service coordination, management of drug court participants, and recovery support services. Adult drug courts effectively integrate evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, mandatory drug testing, incentives and sanctions, and transitional services in judicially supervised criminal court settings that have jurisdiction over persons with great substance use disorder treatment needs in order to reduce recidivism and increase their access to treatment and recovery support, and to prevent overdoses. More information is at
Veterans Treatment Drug Court Program
Through this opportunity, the DOJ seeks applications for funding to plan and implement and to enhance veterans treatment court services to include coordination, management of veterans treatment court participants, and recovery support services. This program provides resources to state, local, and federally recognized tribal governments to support drug court programs and systems for eligible veterans in the criminal justice system who have substance use disorders, including stimulant and opioid use. More information is at
Tribal Criminal and Civil Legal Assistance Program
The Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance (TCCLA) Program goal is to build and enhance capacity and improve delivery of civil and criminal legal services to individuals and tribes, as well as develop policies that improve access to tribal justice systems. Eligible applicants are nonprofit entities as defined by U.S.C. 501 (c) (3) which provide civil and criminal legal assistance services for Indian tribes, tribal justice systems, or members of Indian tribes pursuant to federal poverty guidelines. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the DOJ provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 3 is at
Comprehensive Youth Violence Prevention and Reduction Program
Funding for this program is to prevent and reduce youth violence, including youth gang violence. Applicants must target their proposed prevention, intervention, or suppression strategies to work with those youth who are most likely to be involved in violent activities in the immediate future. Interventions developed for this target population should include improved coordination of existing resources and activities that support multiple, complementary antiviolence strategies. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 9: Tribal Youth Program
Grants awarded through this program help tribes improve their juvenile justice systems and support prevention, intervention, and treatment approaches that benefit youth. The funding is flexible to accommodate the unique needs of each tribe since tribes’ cultures, needs, and capacities vary widely. More information is at
Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioids and Other Drug Misuse
This program supports the implementation and delivery of mentoring services to youth who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs, youth at risk for abusing drugs, and youth with family members who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs. Mentoring services can be one-to-one, group, peer, or a combination. Funding can be used to support new mentoring matches or continue existing mentoring matches at the time of application. More information is at
School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)
The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) gave the DOJ authority to provide awards directly to states, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the jurisdiction of the grantee through evidence-based school safety programs and technology. More information is at
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
This program aims to improve the nation’s safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information; and by ensuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. Tribes became eligible for funding pursuant to the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010. More information is at
The NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
This program provides grants to assist states, state court systems and tribal governments in updating the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) with certain mental health, protection and restraining order, domestic violence conviction, and other criminal history record information which may disqualify individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms. BJS coordinates its work on the NICS program with the efforts of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) to ensure that funded state and state court system programs are complementary and consistent with the overall goal of improving the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of state and national criminal records. More information is at
Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (also known as the Arrest Program)
This program encourages partnerships between state, local, and tribal governments, courts, victim service providers, coalitions, and rape crisis centers to ensure that sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are treated as serious violations of criminal law. More information is at
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
These funds, awarded to states and territories, enhances the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. More information is at
Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program
This program establishes and strengthens multidisciplinary collaborative relationships and increases organizational capacity to provide accessible, safe, and effective services to individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. More information is at
Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program
This program addresses elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, against victims who are 50 years or older through training and services. More information is at
Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking
This program will develop, expand, or strengthen a multidisciplinary approach to fight human trafficking. This collaborative approach must include victim and social service providers, law enforcement and prosecution personnel (local, state, and federal), and a range of other governmental and non-governmental partners that work together to provide a diverse set of appropriate services for trafficking victims; train law enforcement and other stakeholders in how to identify victims of trafficking in persons and related offenses, and provide justice for victims through the investigation and prosecution of traffickers. Category 1 of this program will support new task forces in taking the first critical first steps to starting up a multidisciplinary task force and establishing a strong foundation of task force leadership structure, clear roles and responsibilities, and internal processes and protocols. Category 2 of this program will help task forces solidify and expand multidisciplinary task force operations and services, to include expanded protocol development and implementation, partnerships, outreach, and broader peer support and knowledge sharing with the field. More information is at
Transforming America's Response to Older Victims: Developing and Supporting Statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and Training Technical Assistance Program
This program will fund development or expansion of statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and provide training and technical assistance for the Coalitions to address the needs of older crime victims and to develop as a field of practice. Under this program, one awardee will both make seven competitive subawards to new or expanding Coalitions and provide national scope training and technical assistance to all Elder Justice Coalitions across the country. More information is at
Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
The Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPl) will support communities in developing comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs, including efforts to address gang and gun violence, based on partnerships between community residents, law enforcement, local government agencies, and other community stakeholders. Priority will be given to community-based violence intervention programs, in communities with the highest number of homicides and the highest number of homicides per capita. Funding categories will support: - Programmatic funding for (1) planning and implementation for new programs; and (2) enhancement and expansion of existing programs. - Capacity building for community-based organizations - Training and Technical Assistance for Site-Based Awards - Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Field Support Resource Center. More information is at
Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr Initiative
This program supports state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution agencies and their partners to conduct outreach and education to practitioners and the public; and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes committed on the basis of a victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. More information is at
Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Reduction Strategies (CAREERRS) Program
This program enhances corrections systems’ ability to address the substance use treatment needs of offenders in order to reduce recidivism, promote recovery, and improve public safety and public health. This includes prison-based family treatment programs to incarcerated parents of minor children and pregnant women. The program also helps communities establish education, vocation, and job training programs in their correctional systems that address employment challenges faced by incarcerated adults reentering those communities and the workforce. Tribes are encouraged to consider seeking funds to support tribal members who are incarcerated to prepare for their reentry, building on BJA’s tribal reentry training.
Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Program
This program provides funding to states, units of government, and Indian tribes to address, prevent, and reduce school violence. The STOP Program supports training school personnel and educating students to prevent violence against others and themselves. This program also provides specialized training for school officials in responding to mental health crises, as well as funds for the development and operation of anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 3 is at
Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioids and Other Drug Misuse
This program supports the implementation and delivery of mentoring services to youth who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs, youth at risk for abusing drugs, and youth with family members who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs. Mentoring services can be one-to-one, group, peer, or a combination. Funding can be used to support new mentoring matches or continue existing mentoring matches at the time of application. More information is at
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
The Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program builds the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized tribal governments to implement new juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) and enhance existing JDTCs for individuals with substance abuse problems or co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma. More information is at
Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
Objectives include implementing programs and services that address public safety concerns, intervention, prevention, diversion, and treatment services for children, youth, and families directly impacted by opioid abuse. Sites should work in partnership with representatives from law enforcement, education, probation and community supervision, juvenile court, mental health service providers, medical physicians/examiners, prosecutors, community-based organizations that address substance abuse, child welfare agencies, child protective services, first responders, and other community health agencies. More information is at
Family Drug Court Program
The purpose of this program is to provide treatment and accountability to parents with substance use disorders by offering access to treatment and recovery services that will ultimately protect children; reunite families, when safe to do so; and expedite permanency. Programs must include the provision of treatment and recovery services to specifically address opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse reduction. More information is at
Protecting Futures: Building Capacity to Serve Children and Youth Impacted by America's Drug Crisis
The goal of this program is to support children, youth, and families who have been victimized due to America's drug crisis by expanding, enhancing, and formalizing innovative, field-generated projects tailored to meet the needs of child and youth crime victims, and their nonoffending family members. The grantee will both manage a subaward program to competitively select up to 14 subrecipient sites to implement projects to serve and support child and youth crime victims; and also provide overall project management, technical assistance, and oversight, to selected community sites. More information is at
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program
To respond to the abuse of opioids that has devastated many communities, DOJ’s Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program (COSSAP) promotes the leveraging of existing resources within a community. COSSAP provides financial and technical assistance to states, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to plan, develop, and implement comprehensive efforts that identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by the opioid epidemic, through methods including diversion to treatment, alternatives to incarceration, and jail-based programming. This program also promotes cross-system planning and the coordination of delivering services as it seeks to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses. More information is at
Adult Drug Court Program
Through this opportunity, the DOJ is seeking applications to plan, implement, and enhance drug court services, including service coordination, management of drug court participants, and recovery support services. Adult drug courts effectively integrate evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, mandatory drug testing, incentives and sanctions, and transitional services in judicially supervised criminal court settings that have jurisdiction over persons with great substance use disorder treatment needs in order to reduce recidivism and increase their access to treatment and recovery support, and to prevent overdoses. More information is at
Veterans Treatment Drug Court Program
Through this opportunity, the DOJ seeks applications for funding to plan and implement and to enhance veterans treatment court services to include coordination, management of veterans treatment court participants, and recovery support services. This program provides resources to state, local, and federally recognized tribal governments to support drug court programs and systems for eligible veterans in the criminal justice system who have substance use disorders, including stimulant and opioid use. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, DOJ provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 3 is at
Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry
Through this opportunity, the DOJ seeks applications for funding to establish, expand, and improve treatment and recovery support services for people with substance use disorders during their incarceration and upon reentry into the community. More information is at
Comprehensive Youth Violence Prevention and Reduction Program
Funding for this program is to prevent and reduce youth violence, including youth gang violence. Applicants must target their proposed prevention, intervention, or suppression strategies to work with those youth who are most likely to be involved in violent activities in the immediate future. Interventions developed for this target population should include improved coordination of existing resources and activities that support multiple, complementary antiviolence strategies. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 8: Juvenile Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
These grants help participating courts develop or strengthen policies, procedures, and services that address underage drinking and substance use. Tribal juvenile healing to wellness courts often combine judicial intervention with Tribal values, such as spirituality and connection to the family and community, to treat youth. More information is at
Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program
The purpose of this project is to provide funding to states and federally recognized tribes to develop comprehensive plans that address the specific needs of children, youth, and families involved in the justice system during an emergency. Specifically, the initiative supports implementation of the principles outlined in the report, Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities ( This report is targeted to state, county, and local juvenile justice authorities charged with the custodial care and supervision of youth in the juvenile justice system, with particular focus on those authorities who oversee residential treatment and correctional and detention facilities that house juveniles via court-ordered placements. The principles outlined in this document may also apply to emergency planning for youth in out-of-home placement. More information is at
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
The Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program builds the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribal governments to implement new juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) and enhance existing JDTCs for individuals with substance abuse problems or co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma. More information is at
Family Drug Court Program
The purpose of this program is to provide treatment and accountability to parents with substance use disorders by offering access to treatment and recovery services that will ultimately protect children; reunite families, when safe to do so; and expedite permanency. Programs must include the provision of treatment and recovery services to specifically address opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse reduction. More information is at
Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
Girls in the United States with a history of school failure, addiction, and involvement in the child welfare system, and who live in impoverished communities or are homeless, are at an increased risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system. This grant program will enable sites to develop, implement and expand direct service programs for girls to reduce reoffending and enhance or expand existing prevention and early intervention programs to meet the specific needs of girls involved in the juvenile justice system. Funding under this program also supports prevention and early intervention strategies and curricula throughout the country, to place vulnerable girls on the path toward success, stability, and toward making a long-term contribution to society. More information is at
Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program
This program aims to improve collaboration between state agencies, local government agencies, tribes and community and faith-based organizations to address the challenges that reentry and recidivism reduction pose for youth assessed at a moderate to high risk of reoffending and who are returning to their communities from juvenile residential or correctional facilities. The program also supports intensive assistance for jurisdictions working to improve their community supervision practices and build strong juvenile reentry data and performance measurement capacity. This program furthers the DOJ’s mission by supporting efforts to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth returning to their communities following confinement. More information is at Also see:
Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence
This program serves children and youth who are victimized by or who witness violence in their homes, schools or communities. It is designed to assist communities in developing and providing support services for children exposed to violence as well as training and technical assistance to child and family-serving organizations to help them better recognize and help families at risk for violence. The overall goal of the program is to build the capacity of families and communities to help children exposed to violence. The objectives include the following: 1) Improve family and community responses to children exposed to violence; 2) Increase protective factors to prevent juvenile violence, delinquency, and victimization; and 3) Support communities to develop, design, and deliver prevention and intervention strategies to support children exposed to violence. More information is at
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
This program aims to improve the nation’s safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information; and by ensuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. Tribes became eligible for funding pursuant to the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010. More information is at
The NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
This program provides grants to assist states, state court systems and tribal governments in updating the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) with certain mental health, protection and restraining order, domestic violence conviction, and other criminal history record information which may disqualify individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms. BJS coordinates its work on the NICS program with the efforts of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) to ensure that funded state and state court system programs are complementary and consistent with the overall goal of improving the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of state and national criminal records. More information is at
Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction
This program assists Indian tribes in planning, implementing, and exercising “special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction” to hold accountable non-Indians who commit crimes of domestic violence or dating violence or violate certain protection orders in Indian country. More information is at
Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (also known as the Arrest Program)
This Program (also known as the Arrest Program) encourages partnerships between state, local, and tribal governments, courts, victim service providers, coalitions, and rape crisis centers to ensure that sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are treated as serious violations of criminal law. More information is at
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
These funds, awarded to states and territories, enhance the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. More information is at
Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
This program supports innovative cross-system collaboration to improve responses and outcomes for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders who come into contact with the justice system. The program encourages early intervention, maximizes diversion opportunities and promotes cross system justice and behavioral health communication and training. Free training and technical assistance is available. Eligible applicants are states, tribes, and local governments. Applicants must partner with their mental health authority. More information is at
Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry Program
This program provides funding for grants to nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes to implement or expand reentry programs that demonstrate strong partnerships with corrections, parole, probation, and other reentry service providers. These partnerships should develop comprehensive case management plans that directly address criminogenic risks and needs, as determined by validated criminogenic risk assessments, and include delivery or facilitation of services. Grants made under this program may be used for: (1) mentoring adult offenders during incarceration, through transition back to the community, and post-release; (2) transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community; and (3) training regarding offender and victims’ issues. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 2: Comprehensive Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 2 is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 3 is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia with funding to help them develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Through CTAS, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) provides funding for tribes to engage in comprehensive justice system strategic planning that will improve tribal justice and safety; develop, support, and enhance adult tribal justice systems to prevent crime related to opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse; and renovate, expand, and/or replace tribal justice facilities to enhance facility conditions and/or add capacity for recidivism-reduction programming. More information on CTAS is at More information on Purpose Area 4 is at
Comprehensive Youth Violence Prevention and Reduction Program
Funding for this program is to prevent and reduce youth violence, including youth gang violence. Applicants must target their proposed prevention, intervention, or suppression strategies to work with those youth who are most likely to be involved in violent activities in the immediate future. Interventions developed for this target population should include improved coordination of existing resources and activities that support multiple, complementary antiviolence strategies. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 9: Tribal Youth Program
Grants awarded through this program help tribes improve their juvenile justice systems and support prevention, intervention, and treatment approaches that benefit youth. OJJDP designed the funding to be flexible to accommodate the unique needs of each tribe since tribes’ cultures, needs, and capacities vary widely. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 8: Juvenile Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
These grants help participating courts develop or strengthen policies, procedures, and services that address underage drinking and substance use. Tribal juvenile healing to wellness courts often combine judicial intervention with tribal values, such as spirituality and connection to the family and community, to treat youth. More information is at
Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioids and Other Drug Misuse
This program supports the implementation and delivery of mentoring services to youth who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs, youth at risk for abusing drugs, and youth with family members who are currently abusing or addicted to drugs. Mentoring services can be one-to-one, group, peer, or a combination. Funding can be used to support new mentoring matches or continue existing mentoring matches at the time of application. More information is at
Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program
The purpose of this project is to provide funding to states and federally recognized tribes to develop comprehensive plans that address the specific needs of children, youth, and families involved in the justice system during an emergency. Specifically, the initiative supports implementation of the principles outlined in the report, Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities ( This report is targeted to state, county, and local juvenile justice authorities charged with the custodial care and supervision of youth in the juvenile justice system, with particular focus on those authorities who oversee residential treatment and correctional and detention facilities that house juveniles via court-ordered placements. The principles outlined in this document may also apply to emergency planning for youth in out-of-home placement. More information is at
Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
Girls in the United States with a history of school failure, addiction, and involvement in the child welfare system, and who live in impoverished communities or are homeless, are at an increased risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system. This grant program will enable sites to develop, implement and expand direct service programs for girls to reduce reoffending and enhance or expand existing prevention and early intervention programs to meet the specific needs of girls involved in the juvenile justice system. Funding under this program also supports prevention and early intervention strategies and curricula throughout the country, to place vulnerable girls on the path toward success, stability, and toward making a long-term contribution to society. More information is at
Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program
This program aims to improve collaboration between state agencies, local government agencies, tribes and community and faith-based organizations to address the challenges that reentry and recidivism reduction pose for youth assessed at a moderate to high risk of reoffending and who are returning to their communities from juvenile residential or correctional facilities. The program also supports intensive assistance for jurisdictions working to improve their community supervision practices and build strong juvenile reentry data and performance measurement capacity. This program furthers the DOJ’s mission by supporting efforts to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth returning to their communities following confinement. More information is at Also see:
Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence
This program serves children and youth who are victimized by or who witness violence in their homes, schools or communities. It is designed to assist communities in developing and providing support services for children exposed to violence as well as training and technical assistance to child and family-serving organizations to help them better recognize and help families at risk for violence. The overall goal of the program is to build the capacity of families and communities to help children exposed to violence. The objectives include the following: 1) Improve family and community responses to children exposed to violence; 2) Increase protective factors to prevent juvenile violence, delinquency, and victimization; and 3) Support communities to develop, design, and deliver prevention and intervention strategies to support children exposed to violence. More information is at
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
The Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program builds the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribal governments to implement new juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) and enhance existing JDTCs for individuals with substance abuse problems or co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma. More information is at
Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
Objectives include implementing programs and services that address public safety concerns, intervention, prevention, diversion, and treatment services for children, youth, and families directly impacted by opioid abuse. Sites should work in partnership with representatives from law enforcement, education, probation and community supervision, juvenile court, mental health service providers, medical physicians/examiners, prosecutors, community-based organizations that address substance abuse, child welfare agencies, child protective services, first responders, and other community health agencies. More information is at
Consolidated Grant Program to Address Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Assault and Engage Men and Boys as Allies
This program creates a unique opportunity for communities to increase collaboration among nonprofit victim service providers, violence prevention programs, and child and youth organizations serving victims ages 0-24. More information is at
Preventing Trafficking of Girls
This program will support prevention and early intervention services and treatment, including mentoring and other direct support services, for girls who are at risk of, or are victims of, sex trafficking, including girls who may be justice-system involved. More information is at
Protecting Futures: Building Capacity to Serve Children and Youth Impacted by America's Drug Crisis
The goal of this program is to support children, youth, and families who have been victimized due to America's drug crisis by expanding, enhancing, and formalizing innovative, field-generated projects tailored to meet the needs of child and youth crime victims, and their nonoffending family members. The grantee will both manage a subaward program to competitively select up to 14 subrecipient sites to implement projects to serve and support child and youth crime victims; and also provide overall project management, technical assistance, and oversight, to selected community sites. More information is at
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
This program aims to improve statewide coordination and multidisciplinary collaboration across systems to address human trafficking involving children and youth. Under Category 1, DOJ will support states and tribes to develop, enhance, and coordinate programs and activities geared toward improving outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking. Under Category 2, DOJ will support training and technical assistance (TTA) to support all grantees funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program. More information is at
Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Program
This program provides funding to states, units of local government, and Indian tribes to address, prevent, and reduce school violence. The STOP program supports training school personnel and educating students to prevent student violence against others and themselves. This program also provides specialized training for school officials in responding to mental health crises, as well as funds for the development and operation of anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. More information is at
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program
These funds, awarded to states and territories, enhances the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. More information is at
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 1: Tribal Resources Grant Program
Under CTAS, the DOJ offers funding through Purpose Area #1: Public Safety and Community Policing. Purpose Area #1 is designed to expand the implementation of community policing and meet the most serious needs of law enforcement in Tribal Nations through a broadened comprehensive program. The funding can be used to hire or re-hire full-time career law enforcement officers and village public safety officers as well as procure basic equipment and training to assist in the initiation or enhancement of Tribal community policing efforts. More information is at
COPS Hiring Program (CHP)
The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive grant program designed to provide funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Anticipated outcomes of the CHP program awards include engagement in planned community partnerships, implementation of projects to analyze and assess problems, implementation of changes to personnel and agency management in support of community policing, and increased capacity of agency to engage in community policing activities. More information is at
Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program
The Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program funds are used to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement through the implementation of peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs. The LEMHWA program funds projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs. More information is at
School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)
The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards directly to States, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the jurisdiction of the grantee through evidence-based school safety programs and technology. More information is at
Community Policing Development (CPD)
Community Policing Development (CPD) funds are used to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies by providing guidance on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities. The CPD program funds projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective community policing strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement and community partners, increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using proven community policing practices, and institutionalize community policing practice in routine business. More information is at
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
This program aims to improve the nation’s safety and security by enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information; and by ensuring the nationwide implementation of criminal justice and non-criminal justice background check systems. Tribes became eligible for funding pursuant to the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010. More information is at:
The NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP)
This program provides grants to assist states, state court systems and tribal governments in updating the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) with certain mental health, protection and restraining order, domestic violence conviction, and other criminal history record information which may disqualify individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms. BJS coordinates its work on the NICS program with the efforts of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) to ensure that funded state and state court system programs are complementary and consistent with the overall goal of improving the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of state and national criminal records. More information is at
Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies and Census of Tribal Court Systems
The Tribal Law and Order Act, enacted on July 29, 2010, requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics to establish and implement a tribal data collection system (P.L. 111–211, 124 Stat. 2258 § 251(b)). The Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA) and the Census of Tribal Court Systems (CTCS) help fulfill BJS’s legislative mandate. This program includes (1) convening an expert panel and conducting stakeholder engagement, (2) developing the questionnaires for the CTLEA and CTCS, (2) updating the universe frames, (3) fielding the CTLEA and CTCS, (4) cleaning and validating data, and (5) delivering raw data files, final datasets, and documentation. More information is at
Tribal Governments Program
This program enhances the ability of tribes to respond to violent crimes against Indian women, enhance victim safety, and develop education and prevention strategies. More information is at
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Technical Assistance Program
This program supports a single award to manage both a subaward program for seven new law enforcement-based victim service (LEV) program sites and training and technical assistance for 73 existing and the seven new LEV sites. The program will increase the number of law enforcement agencies with victim service programs and will help build the capacity of these LEV programs to expand the availability of victim services that are trauma-informed and survivor-centered. More information is at
Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
The Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPl) will support communities in developing comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs, including efforts to address gang and gun violence, based on partnerships between community residents, law enforcement, local government agencies, and other community stakeholders. Priority will be given to community-based violence intervention programs, in communities with the highest number of homicides and the highest number of homicides per capita. Funding categories will support: Programmatic funding for (1) planning and implementation for new programs; and (2) enhancement and expansion of existing programs. Capacity building for community-based organizations; Training and Technical Assistance for Site-Based Awards; Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Field Support Resource Center. More information is at
Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr. Initiative
This program supports state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution agencies and their partners to conduct outreach and education to practitioners and the public; and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes committed on the basis of a victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. More information is at
Emmet Till Cold Case Investigations Programs
This program supports cold case murder investigations and prosecutions that may have been based on the victim’s race and occurred prior to December 31, 1979. These investigations and prosecutions can include efforts to assist and work with the victims’ families and other community members impacted by these crimes to bring reconciliation. This funding can support cold case murders of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives which are consistent with these requirements as part of a tribe’s Murdered and Missing Indigenous Persons Strategy. More information is at
Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Program
This program provides funding to states, units of local government, and Indian tribes to address, prevent, and reduce school violence. The STOP program supports training school personnel and educating students to prevent student violence against others and themselves. This program also provides specialized training for school officials in responding to mental health crises, as well as funds for the development and operation of anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. More information is at
Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program
This program is targeted to law enforcement agencies, including tribal, seeking to pilot, establish, or enhance body worn camera policy and implementation programs. It addresses how to develop and implement policies and procedures for effective program adoption, including the purchase, deployment, and maintenance of camera systems and equipment; data storage and access; and privacy considerations. These funds are to be used to purchase or lease camera technology, but program stipulations also require that the devices be deployed in deliberate and planned manner. Before receiving the bulk of their funds, award recipients must first demonstrate a commitment and adherence to a strong body worn camera policy framework. The program also stresses requisite training, tracking the impacts of body worn cameras, and internal and external stakeholder input. Correctional agencies are eligible to apply provided they are publicly funded and perform law enforcement functions. More information is at
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program
To respond to the abuse of opioids that has devastated many communities, the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program (COSSAP) promotes the leveraging of existing resources within a community. COSSAP provides financial and technical assistance to states, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to plan, develop, and implement comprehensive efforts that identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by the opioid epidemic, through methods including diversion to treatment, alternatives to incarceration, and jail-based programming. This program also promotes cross-system planning and the coordination of delivering services as it seeks to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses. More information is at
Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies and Census of Tribal Court Systems
The Tribal Law and Order Act, enacted on July 29, 2010, requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics to establish and implement a tribal data collection system (P.L. 111–211, 124 Stat. 2258 § 251(b)). The Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA) and the Census of Tribal Court Systems (CTCS) help fulfill BJS’s legislative mandate. This program includes (1) convening an expert panel and conducting stakeholder engagement, (2) developing the questionnaires for the CTLEA and CTCS, (3) updating the universe frames, (4) fielding the CTLEA and CTCS, (5) cleaning and validating data, and (6) delivering raw data files, final datasets, and documentation. More information is at
Supporting Effective Interventions for Youth with Problematic or Illegal Behavior
This solicitation provides funding to communities to develop intervention and supervision services for youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and to provide treatment services for their victims and families/caregivers. Under this initiative, successful applicants will have an established multidisciplinary team that (1) supports a comprehensive holistic approach to treating youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and (2) provides support services to victims and families/caregivers. More information is at
SMART Support for Adam Walsh Implementation Grant Program
This program assists states, the District of Columbia, principal territories and certain federally recognized Indian tribes with developing and enhancing programs designed to implement the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) (34 U.S.C. section 20901 et seq.). SORNA was enacted to provide a comprehensive set of minimum standards for sex offender registration and notification in the United States. SORNA requires jurisdictions to maintain a sex offender registry and for sex offenders to register and maintain a current registration. The program supports a variety of projects to further SORNA implementation, such as but not limited to the upgrade of registry systems, digitizing criminal history records, training and technical assistance, procurement of hardware and software and hiring personnel and consultants to assist in developing SORNA-compliant registration and notification programs. The program also facilitates information sharing and access among jurisdictions. More information is at
Supporting Effective Interventions for Youth with Problematic or Illegal Behavior
This solicitation provides funding to communities to develop intervention and supervision services for youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and to provide treatment services for their victims and families/caregivers. Under this initiative, successful applicants will have an established multidisciplinary team that (1) supports a comprehensive holistic approach to treating youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and (2) provides support services to victims and families/caregivers. More information is at
Consolidated Grant Program to Address Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Assault and Engage Men and Boys as Allies
This program creates a unique opportunity for communities to increase collaboration among nonprofit victim service providers, violence prevention programs, and child and youth organizations serving victims ages 0-24. More information is at
Grants to Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program
This program supports the development and operation of nonprofit, nongovernmental tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions. More information is at
Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
This program strengthens civil and criminal legal assistance programs for adult and youth victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking who are seeking relief in legal matters relating to or arising out of that abuse or violence. More information is at
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
This program, awarded to states and territories, enhances the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. More information is at
Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program
This program is the first federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. More information is at
Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking
This program supports the development of innovative culturally specific strategies and projects to enhance access to services and resources for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. More information is at
Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program
This program addresses elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, against victims who are 50 years of age or older through training and services. More information is at
Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Assistance Program
This program enhances the safety of rural victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, and supports projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural areas. More information is at
Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program
This program creates, maintains, and expands sustainable sexual assault services provided by organizations that are uniquely situated to respond to the needs of sexual assault victims from culturally specific populations. More information is at
Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program
This program establishes and strengthens multidisciplinary collaborative relationships and increases organizational capacity to provide accessible, safe, and effective services to individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. More information is at
Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program
This program funds organizations to assist victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking who are in need of transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, and related supportive services. More information is at
Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program
This program enhances the ability of tribes to create, maintain, and expand sexual assault services in Indian tribal lands and Alaska Native villages. More information is at
Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (also known as the Arrest Program)
This program (also known as the Arrest Program) encourages partnerships between state, local, and tribal governments, courts, victim service providers, coalitions, and rape crisis centers to ensure that sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are treated as serious violations of criminal law. More information is at
Tribal Governments Program
This program enhances the ability of tribes to respond to violent crimes against Indian women, enhance victim safety, and develop education and prevention strategies. More information is at
Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence
This program serves children and youth who are victimized by or who witness violence in their homes, schools or communities. It is designed to assist communities in developing and providing support services for children exposed to violence as well as training and technical assistance to child and family-serving organizations to help them better recognize and help families at risk for violence. The overall goal of the program is to build the capacity of families and communities to help children exposed to violence. The objectives include the following: 1) Improve family and community responses to children exposed to violence; 2) Increase protective factors to prevent juvenile violence, delinquency, and victimization; and 3) Support communities to develop, design, and deliver prevention and intervention strategies to support children exposed to violence. More information is at
Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime
Under this program, the DOJ will support national-scope initiatives and regional initiatives (that can be replicated nationally) to maximize the use of technology to increase access to crime victim services and information about victims' rights, improve the quality of services, and improve the responsiveness of victim service organizations. Applicants are encouraged to focus on: 1) addressing online gender-based abuse and harassment, 2) offering programming or services that prevent or respond to online and online-facilitated gender-based violence, and 3) using technology to make services safe, more accessible, and that reach underserved communities. More information is at
Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program
This program will provide funding for both shelter and transitional housing and other assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking and their companion animals, and also provide training for stakeholders on critical issues related to victimization and service needs. More information is at
Enhancing Access to Victim Services
This program will fund the removal of barriers that prevent many individuals from reporting crimes and accessing supportive services when they are harmed. This will be done by improving the accessibility of victim-centered, trauma-informed services for crime victims who are disabled, Deaf, hard-of-hearing, limited English proficient (LEP), blind and/or visually impaired. The program has two categories. Under Category 1, DOJ will fund victim-serving organizations that seek to expand their capacity to support and address the needs of these victims. Under Category 2, DOJ will provide funding for dedicated training and technical assistance to support the organizations selected for funding in Category 1, including the development and implementation of language and disability access plans and promoting the OVC-funded Supporting Crime Victims with Disabilities Online Training Toolkit. More information is at
Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking
This program will provide funding for housing opportunities to victims of human trafficking, including emergency housing, transitional housing, and short-term housing assistance. More information is at
Bridging Inequities - Legal Services and Victims' Rights Enforcement for Underserved Communities
This program will support a single awardee to (1) manage a subgrant program to competitively select 20 legal fellows to be hosted by organizations across the nation and located in underserved communities, particularly those in Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities, to provide civil legal services; and (2) provide technical assistance to expand the legal fellows' knowledge on legal issues and victims' rights enforcement, and create opportunities for peer learning. More information is at
Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking
This program will develop, expand, or strengthen a multidisciplinary approach to fight human trafficking. This collaborative approach must include victim and social service providers, law enforcement and prosecution personnel (local, state, and federal), and a range of other governmental and non-governmental partners that work together to provide a diverse set of appropriate services for trafficking victims; train law enforcement and other stakeholders in how to identify victims of trafficking in persons and related offenses, and provide justice for victims through the investigation and prosecution of traffickers. Category 1 of this program will support new task forces in taking the first critical first steps to starting up a multidisciplinary task force and establishing a strong foundation of task force leadership structure, clear roles and responsibilities, and internal processes and protocols. Category 2 of this program will help task forces solidify and expand multidisciplinary task force operations and services, to include expanded protocol development and implementation, partnerships, outreach, and broader peer support and knowledge sharing with the field. More information is at
Expanding Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations
Under Category 1, this program will support the development or expansion of sexual assault examination programs, including sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) programs and sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) programs, that focus on improving the provision of sexual assault care using a community-based approach, such as through a campus community, nonprofit, community-based, and/or tribe-affiliated victim services provider. Funding may also support SANE education, mentorship programs, multidisciplinary teams that respond to sexual assault cases, and emerging technology-based models such as TeleSANE and ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) to enhance the clinical expertise of the practicing SANE and support the prevention of vicarious trauma. Under Category 2, this program will fund one applicant to provide technical assistance (TA) to Category 1 grantees. More information is at
Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime
This funding will support projects to develop or enhance promising practices, models, and programs that offer innovative solutions to build the capacity of service providers to increase the service options and/or expand access points for victims of crime in underrepresented communities. Areas of interest include: service interventions that address victims of crime who are often overlooked; innovative approaches to providing culturally relevant services; micro sub-grant programs to smaller community-based programs; demonstration programs that test approaches to increasing service options or expanding access borrowed from other disciplines, such as public health, psychology, social work, forensic science, or others; training or technical assistance models that can potentially reach unprecedented numbers of service providers; innovative methods of information delivery and notification for victims of crime; and dual response approaches that partner service providers and public safety personnel in response to particular crimes or disturbances. Applications must include a research partner who, working with the applicant organization, can ensure that the project goals are measurable, prepare the project for a process evaluation; and determine appropriate performance measures. More information is at Field-Generated Strategies to Address the Criminalization of Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking This program will provide funding for strategies to end the criminalization of minor victims of sex trafficking and provide victims with high-quality services. Under Category 1, grantees will implement field-generated service solutions and models to meet the unique needs of the community. Under Category 2, a TTA provider will create training and resources about alternatives to the arrest, detention, and confinement of minors identified as sex trafficked youth; inform stakeholders and the public about the harmful impact of criminalizing minor victims of sex trafficking; and identify and disseminate promising practices and strategies to help communities eliminate this harmful practice. More information is at
Field-Generated Strategies to Address the Criminalization of Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking
This program will provide funding for strategies to end the criminalization of minor victims of sex trafficking and provide victims with high-quality services. Under Category 1, grantees will implement field-generated service solutions and models to meet the unique needs of the community. Under Category 2, a TTA provider will create training and resources about alternatives to the arrest, detention, and confinement of minors identified as sex trafficked youth; inform stakeholders and the public about the harmful impact of criminalizing minor victims of sex trafficking; and identify and disseminate promising practices and strategies to help communities eliminate this harmful practice. More information is at
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
This program aims to improve statewide coordination and multidisciplinary collaboration across systems to address human trafficking involving children and youth. Under Category 1, DOJ will support states and tribes to develop, enhance, and coordinate programs and activities geared toward improving outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking. Under Category 2, DOJ will support training and technical assistance (TTA) to support all OVC grantees funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program. More information is at
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
This program aims to improve statewide coordination and multidisciplinary collaboration across systems to address human trafficking involving children and youth. Under Category 1, DOJ will support states and tribes to develop, enhance, and coordinate programs and activities geared toward improving outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking. Under Category 2, DOJ will support training and technical assistance (TTA) to support all OVC grantees funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program. More information is at
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Technical Assistance Program
This program will support a single award to manage both a subaward program for seven new law enforcement-based victim service (LEV) program sites and training and technical assistance for 73 OVC-funded existing and the 7 new LEV sites. The program will increase the number of law enforcement agencies with victim service programs and will help build the capacity of these LEV programs to expand the availability of victim services that are trauma-informed and survivor-centered. More information is at
Preventing Trafficking of Girls
This program will support prevention and early intervention services and treatment, including mentoring and other direct support services, for girls who are at risk of, or are victims of, sex trafficking, including girls who may be justice-system involved. More information is at
Protecting Futures: Building Capacity to Serve Children and Youth Impacted by America's Drug Crisis
The goal of this program is to support children, youth, and families who have been victimized due to America's drug crisis by expanding, enhancing, and formalizing innovative, field-generated projects tailored to meet the needs of child and youth crime victims, and their nonoffending family members. The grantee will both manage a subaward program to competitively select up to 14 subrecipient sites to implement projects to serve and support child and youth crime victims; and also provide overall project management, technical assistance, and oversight, to selected community sites. More information is at
Responding to Transgender Victims of Crime Toolkit
This program will update and expand the 2014 guide, "Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault" to include guidance on culturally appropriate services for transgender individuals, specifically transgender women and girls of color. The web-based toolkit will provide guidance, resources, and referrals to services for victims of crime who identify as transgender, who experience multiple forms of victimization including sexual assault, harassment, physical assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, and other forms of violence. More information is at
Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
This program will provide funding for services to victims of human trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000. There are three purpose areas. Purpose Area 1 will fund awards to develop the capacity to serve human trafficking victims. Purpose Area 2 will fund awards that intend to enhance access to comprehensive services for human trafficking victims. Purpose Area 3 will fund specialized services for human trafficking victims. More information is at
Services to Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking
This program is designed to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist minor victims of labor trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) by providing high-quality services that are developmentally appropriate and tailored for the individual needs of young trafficking victims. Organizations funded under this program will provide (directly and through partnerships) services that minor victims of labor trafficking often require to address their needs for safety, security, and healing. They will also be expected to integrate into their programming developmentally appropriate and evidence-based practices. More information is at
Transforming America's Response to Older Victims: Developing and Supporting Statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and Training Technical Assistance Program
This program will fund development or expansion of statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and provide training and technical assistance for the Coalitions to address the needs of older crime victims and to develop as a field of practice. Under this program, one awardee will both make seven competitive subawards to new or expanding Coalitions and provide national scope training and technical assistance to all Elder Justice Coalitions across the country. More information is at
Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program
Funds may be used for any purpose related to serving victims of crime: community needs assessment and strategic planning; victim service programs; community outreach and education; other activities needed to address the needs of a wide variety of crime victims in tribal communities including MMIP. More information is at
- Adult Drug Court Program
- Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime
- Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program
- Bridging Inequities - Legal Services and Victims' Rights Enforcement for Underserved Communities
- Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies and Census of Tribal Court Systems
- Community Policing Development
- Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
- Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program
- Comprehensive Youth Violence Prevention and Reduction Program
- Consolidated Grant Program to Address Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Assault and Engage Men and Boys as Allies
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 1: Tribal Resources Grant Program
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 2: Comprehensive Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 8: Juvenile Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation – Purpose Area 9: Tribal Youth Program
- COPS Hiring Program
- Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Reduction Strategies (CAREERRS) Program
- Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program
- Emmet Till Cold Case Investigations Programs
- Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking
- Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program
- Enhancing Access to Victim Services
- Expanding Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations
- Family-Based Alternative Sentencing
- Family Drug Court Program
- Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime
- Field-Generated Strategies to Address the Criminalization of Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking
- Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking
- Grants to Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program
- Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction
- Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking
- Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (also known as the Arrest Program)
- Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
- Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry
- Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
- Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
- Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program
- Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Technical Assistance Program
- Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act Program
- Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
- Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr Initiative
- Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioids and Other Drug Misuse
- National Criminal History Improvement Program
- The NICS Act Record Improvement Program
- Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
- Preventing Trafficking of Girls
- Protecting Futures: Building Capacity to Serve Children and Youth Impacted by America's Drug Crisis
- Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
- Responding to Transgender Victims of Crime Toolkit
- Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Assistance Program
- School Violence Prevention Program
- Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry Program
- Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program
- Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
- Services to Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking
- Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program
- Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program
- SMART Support for Adam Walsh Implementation Grant Program
- STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
- Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence
- Supporting Effective Interventions for Youth with Problematic or Illegal Behavior
- Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Program
- Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program
- Transforming America's Response to Older Victims: Developing and Supporting Statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and Training Technical Assistance Program
- Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program
- Tribal Criminal and Civil Legal Assistance Program
- Tribal Governments Program
- Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program
- Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program
- Veterans Treatment Drug Court Program
Also see the Department of Justice Tribal Justice, Safety, and Wellness Resources fact sheet for an overview of tribal grant programs.