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World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Penal Systems

NCJ Number
George Thomas Kurian
Date Published
590 pages
This is a descriptive survey of the national law enforcement and corrections systems of 183 countries.
The state-of-the-art in law enforcement data is reflected in the organization of this work. Although every effort is made to present information in a uniform and consistent manner for all countries, gaps in available information made this impossible for "mini-countries," which compose nearly one-third of the nations of the world. In recognition of this deficiency, countries have been divided into two groups: "Major Countries" and "Smaller Countries and Microstates." With a few exceptions, all countries with populations of over 500,000 are placed in the first group; however, the basic criterion for placement is the availability of information rather than population size. Within each country's section, information is provided on the country's official name, its area size in square kilometers, population size, the capital, type of government, language, currency, GNP, territorial divisions, population per police officer, and police expenditures per 1,000. The body of information presented consists of History and Background; Structure and Organization; Recruitment, Education, and Training; and Penal System. Where information is not available under a heading, this is noted. Appendixes contain the features of Interpol, A World Police Directory, a Bibliography, and Comparative Statistics on Police Protection. A subject index is provided.