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Survey: Over 20,000 inmates on Work Release in U.S.

NCJ Number
Corrections Compendium Volume: 14 Issue: 5 Dated: (June 1989) Pages: 9-22
E Herrick
Date Published
14 pages
Of 48 correctional systems responding to a new survey for "Corrections Compendium," 44 have work release programs that involve a total of 20,000 inmates.
Forty-seven U.S. States, the District of Columbia, 10 Canadian Provinces, and the Correctional Service of Canada responded to the 1989 survey. Only Connecticut, Nevada, Oregon, and Texas did not have work release programs. Inmates on work release are most likely to be within a year of their parole or release dates. In all but six systems, they pay for room and board. Most successfully complete the program. Eligibility for work release in most systems, in addition to proximity to discharge or parole date, is determined by institutional record, proportion of sentence served, and type of offense. Other factors considered are inmate's physical and mental condition, classification status, criminal and escape history, and any pending detainers or warrants. Inmates participate in work release from special work release facilities in 34 systems, from institutions in 7, and from both in 14. Responsibility for transportation to and from work sites varies in many systems, with inmates entirely responsible in 13 and the department of corrections in 9. Institutional counselors help inmates find jobs in 28 systems. Of responding Canadian systems, only Saskatchewan does not have a work release program.


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