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State of Maine Judicial Department Annual Report, FY 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
126 pages
This report summarizes Maine's court caseload statistics for the period between July 1, 1990 and June 30, 1991 and presents expenditure and revenue data as well as information on court structure and administration and on various activities and projects such as the construction of court facilities and efforts to reduce the budget and to develop computer services.
In fiscal year 1991, there were 13,111 criminal filings in the Superior Court, a 41-percent increase since 1982; 307,776 filings in the District Court, a 2.3-percent decrease from fiscal year 1990; and 423 filings in the Administrative Court, an 18.5-percent increase from the level reported in fiscal year 1990. Judicial Department expenditures totaled $31,360,841 in fiscal year 1991, a 1-percent increase over the previous year; the revenue totaled $26,162,613. The report lists committees of the Judicial Department and includes judicial and clerk rosters. 53 tables and 6 appendixes