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Recent Trends in Violence-Related Behaviors Among High School Students in the United States

NCJ Number
JAMA Volume: 282 Issue: 5 Dated: August 4, 1999 Pages: 440-446
Nancy D. Brener Ph.D.; Thomas R. Simon Ph.D.; Etienne G. Krug M.D.; Richard Lowery M.D.
Date Published
7 pages
This study measured trends in nonfatal violent behavior among adolescents in the United States between 1991 and 1997.
Nationally representative data from the 1991, 1993, 1995, and 1997 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were analyzed to describe the percentage of 9th through 12th grade students who engaged in behavior. Overall response rates for each of these years were 68 percent, 70 percent, 60 percent, and 69 percent, respectively. To assess the statistical significance of time trends for these variables, logistic regression analyses were conducted, controlling for sex, grade, and race/ethnicity; the analyses simultaneously assessed linear and higher order effects. Self-reported weapon carrying, physical fighting, fighting-related injuries, feeling unsafe, and damaged or stolen property were the main outcome measures. The findings show that between 1991 and 1997, the percentage of students in a physical fight decreased 14 percent, from 42.5 percent (95 percent confidence interval [CI], 40.1-44.9 percent) to 36.6 percent (95 percent CI, 34.6-38.6 percent); the percentage of students injured in a physical fight decreased 20 percent, from 4.4 percent (95 percent CI, 23.8-28.4 percent) to 18.3 percent (95 percent CI, 16.5-20.1 percent). Between 1993 and 1997, the percentage of students who carried a gun decreased 25 percent, from 7.9 percent (95 percent CI, 6.6-9.2 percent) to 5.9 percent (95 percent CI, 5.1 -6.7 percent); the percentage of students in a physical fight on school property decreased 9 percent, from 16.2 percent (95 percent CI, 15.0-17.4 percent) to 14.8 percent (95 percent CI, 13.5-16.1 percent); and the percentage of students who carried a weapon on school property decreased 28 percent, from 11.8 percent (95 percent CI, 10.4-13.2 percent) to 8.5 percent (95 percent CI, 7.0-10.0 percent). All of these changes represent significant linear decreases. Declines in fighting and weapon carrying among American adolescents between 1991 and 1997 are encouraging and consistent with declines in homicide, nonfatal victimization, and school crime rates. Further research should explore why behaviors related to interpersonal violence are decreasing and what types of interventions are most effective. 5 tables and 23 references