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Prevention of Youth Violence: A Framework for Community Action

NCJ Number
M A Fenley; J L Gaiter; M Hammett; L C Liburd; J A Mercy; P W O'Carroll; C Onwuachi-Saunders; K E Powell; T N Thornton
Date Published
102 pages
This manual provides a framework for community action to reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by violence and views violence as a major health problem in the United States.
More than 20,000 people die from homicide yearly, and more than 2 million people suffer injuries in violent conflicts. Violence-related injuries and deaths have escalated among young people in recent years. Many concerned individuals and community-based organizations want to reduce violence, and this manual is based on principles of effective, community-based health promotion programs that have been used successfully to address various chronic diseases and problems of youth, such as sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. The manual is divided into two major sections: (1) activities to prevent youth violence: describes target groups, settings, and strategies for preventing youth violence; and (2) program management: covers basic principles of effective community- based health promotion programs. The first section addresses what is known about youth violence through scientific research, what has been learned through innovative community efforts, and what has been learned from interventions used to prevent other types of health and social problems. The second section focuses on organizing the community, gathering and analyzing the information needed to describe the problem of youth violence, setting goals and objectives, locating resources, and monitoring program progress. Strategies to prevent youth violence are identified that encompass education, legal and regulatory change, and environmental modification. Specific ways of involving the community in violence prevention activities are described. An appendix lists community programs across the United States that aim to prevent youth violence. An index of community programs to prevent youth violence is included. 9 references and 6 tables