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Pretrial Home Detention With Electronic Monitoring: A Nonexperimental Salvage Evaluation

NCJ Number
Evaluation Review Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 315-332
M G Maxfield; T L Baumer
Date Published
18 pages
Data from all 224 persons admitted from July 1988 through July 1989 to the Indianapolis program providing for pretrial home detention with electronic monitoring for criminal defendants were used in a nonexperimental evaluation of the program's effectiveness.

Of these defendants, 216 were released from pretrial home detention by February 1990. Information was obtained regarding program delivery and outcomes from staff interviews, observations, and program records. Findings revealed that the successful completion of monitored detention was more likely if the person had a suitable living arrangement, where parents or a spouse also lived, as well as a criminal record consisting of only minor offenses. Findings indicated the importance of defendant screening; appropriate organization and effective management of the monitoring program; and program coordination among involved judges, prosecutors, and other agencies. Figure, tables, and 18 references