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Legal Issues (From Public Health Issues and Drug Abuse Research, P 33-56, 1982, Thomas J Glynn and Jack E Nelson, ed.)

NCJ Number
T J Glynn, J E Nelson
Date Published
26 pages
The literature summarized in the body of the text and cited in the supplementary bibliography provides an introduction to public health issues relevant to the problems of drug abuse as well as a reasonable foundation for research projects that are data based.
The purpose of this volume is not to provide a comprehensive review of the drug-relevant literature in any one public health area but to provide the drug researcher with a sampling of the drug-relevant literature across a number of public health areas. The literature is summarized under the following topic areas: general/historical issues, legal issues, ethical and social issues, research issues, treatment issues, single-drug issues, and international issues. The 77 listings provide summaries that cover the purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the studies. A supplementary bibliography contains 277 listings. (Author summary modified)